Translation Studies
Course details
The full-time MA study of TRANSLATION: CZECH AND FRENCH offers both the theoretical background to translation and practical translator training, developing the skills needed for professional or academic career and creative work. As part of a two-subject degree programme it can be combined with any field of humanities that itself enables such a combination. While building in particular on the knowledge and skills taught in the BA programme French for Intercultural Communication, it is also open to graduates in similar disciplines, especially those with a philological focus.
The Institute of Translation Studies is a member of the European Master´s in Translation Network. The curriculum of TRANSLATION: CZECH AND FRENCH bears witness to this fact by putting emphasis not only on standard translating skills demanded by the labour market but also on the supranational dimension of the field and the graduates´ ability to work in international translation teams.
The general focus of the MA programme is on the practical application of professional and academic skills: apart from classroom activity this includes e.g. work placements in Czech and international institutions (the latter in the framework of ERASMUS+) or the presentation of student projects at the annual St Jerome´s Days (Jeronýmovy dny), a professional event organized by the Union of Translators and Interpreters. The students are also involved in the activities of Prague´s French Institute and the Gallica Association, and encouraged to participate in translating competitions such as the Jiří Levý Competition, held annually by the Czech Translators´ Guild, and in project-oriented courses of literary and non-literary translation, which are based on collaboration with Czech publishing houses.
MA graduates with a degree in TRANSLATION: CZECH AND FRENCH can continue their studies in the doctoral programme Translation Studies or other, related doctoral programmes at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, or other Czech and international higher education institutions.
Graduates meet the requirements of international standards (French at EFRL level C2). They have a command of genre conventions in translation into Czech and into French, can use translation software and are able to defend their translation solutions. Graduates are able to adapt to requirements of practical careers or to study for a higher degree.
Le diplômé est doté de compétences répondant aux standards internationaux (français niveau C2 du Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues). Dans les traductions vers le tchèque et vers le français, il sait distinguer les particularités et conventions des deux cultures, maîtrise l'utilisation des logiciels de traduction et est en mesure de justifier ses propositions. Il est capable de s'adapter aux conditions spécifiques du milieu professionnel et de suivre de nouvelles formations.
Depending on the specialisation (Translation of scientific, economic, and administrative texts; Translation for International Institutions or Literary Translation), the graduate will have acquired:
• C2 proficiency (both active and passive – in terms of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) in his/her A and B languages (in terms of the AIIC)
• SLT (Source Language Text) / discourse (culture-bound) analytical and interpretative skills
• Skills in the choice of translation strategy and method depending on the translation brief
• Skills in translating journalistic and specialised texts from A to B and B to A.
• Knowledge of the principles and norms of audio-visual translation; skills in translating fiction into Czech
• A very good grasp of terminology and stylistic conventions relevant for SLTs and target language texts, especially in the domain of economics, law and international relations
• Familiarity with terminology and style in the domain of the sciences and technology
• The ability to use Computer-Aided Translation and Machine Translation tools, as well as localisation software
• The ability to select and categorise terminology and linguistic resources (terminology databases, parallel corpora), and search them.
• Familiarity with Czech and international concepts in Translation Studies and trends in translation theory and practice; the graduate is equipped to pursue an academic career
• He/she has a thorough understanding of translation ethics and the legal aspects of service provision in the translation market and in professional organisations, and is acquainted with the principles of team work
• Familiarity with the principles of editorial practice, especially in the domain of translated literature; basic skills in editorial processes and basic awareness of literary journalism
• Ability to verbalise his/her decisions on the basis of critical reflection (including self-reflection) inherent to the processes of translation and translation quality assessment (expert opinions, reviews)
• Revision competences, including “value-added” services like editing or summarising
• Ability of self-education in various domains of human activity; flexibility with respect to the client´s/employer´s requirements, as well as to his/her own career growth
The graduate is well equipped to become a translator in the Czech and/or international markets by engaging in (a) free-lance activity for direct clients, translation agencies, international organisations and European institutions, (b) in-house employment in national, international, and European businesses, organisations and structures, (c) autonomous entrepreneurial activity in running his/her own business. After on-the-job training, he/she may find a position in other domains as well (media editor or manager, manager in international and supranational businesses and non-governmental organisations, diplomacy, governmental bodies).
Language combinations:
- English-Czech
- French-Czech
- German-Czech
- Spanish-Czech
- Russian-Czech
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Type of course: Master
Institution: Univerzita Karlova
Contact name: Jovanka Šotolová
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Contact name: Ústav translatologie
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