Master di i livello in traduzione per il cinema, la televisione e l’editoria multimediale
Course details
The Master in Audiovisual Translation of the University of Turin provides training in the theoretical and practical aspects of audiovisual translation. It offers courses for 240 hours and workshops and seminars for 130 hours. Core modules include: 1. English language and translation 2. Television Dramaturgy 3. Film Dramaturgy 4. Adaptation 5 Glottology and Linguistics 6 Italian Linguistics. The programme is enhanced through visiting speakers. Moreover, 300 hours will be devoted to internships. Work placements in various media companies will provide and improve the students’ professional and translation/adaptation skills.
Language combinations:
- English-Italian
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Type of course: Master
Institution: Università di Torino
Contact name: Antonio Romano
Contact email:
Contact name: Dipartimento di Lingeu e Letterature Straniere e Culture Moderne