Literary Translation workshop
Course details
ÇEVBİR (Çevirmenler Meslek Birliği – Translators’ Society), is the only institution in Turkey representing the rights of copyrighted translation works. To have produced at least one copyrighted work is the minimum criteria for membership. Having been founded in May 1, 2016, ÇEVBİR represents and protects the rights of more than 400 translators.
Since 2008, ÇEVBİR has been organizing translation workshops, technology trainings, and language courses.
All workshops are on an advanced level, and last two to three months with weekly 3- hour meetings. This six-week workshop discusses creativity, faithfulness, slang, and case studies from Ulysess and Finnegan’s Wake.
Language combinations:
- Turkish-English
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Type of course: Non-academic / other
Institution: Çevbir
Contact name: Cagdas Acar
Contact email: