Corso di Alta Formazione in Teoria e Pratica della Traduzione Letteraria e Scientifica
Course details
In the field of inter-linguistic communication, there are two fascinating, dynamic, involving, exciting and challenging professions, where the deep knowledge of languages is everything: the translator and the interpreter.
A degree in modern languages, while providing a positive knowledge of the studied languages, is often unable to provide insights for the analysis of many technical or sectorial texts. Even the oral dimension of the language is a universe itself in the interpreting field, where not only you need to know the terminology, but also the use of memorization techniques and oral speed in the use of a foreign language become vital.
Becoming interpreters and translators is not easy, it is not enough to know a language well, it is also necessary the absolute competence of specific working techniques.
How is it possible to improve these techniques? By training under the guidance of experienced professionals who can pass down the knowledge and the spirit of professions such as the interpreter or the translator.
There is no vocabulary that can replace the sensitivity and the skill of a translator and there is no machine that can understand speaker’s intents
Translation and interpreting specializations are an important moment in the professional and cultural journey, connected to the use of languages as a profession.
The advanced training course in technique and practice of translation aims at connecting graduates expert in the use of languages with professional translators, able to provide an important added value in experience and in professional technique to good starting skills.
For over twenty years, the Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici di Varese has been working with the best professionals in the field and it is able to offer courses in line with the above requirements.
The advanced training course is therefore directed at graduates in Mediazione Linguistica or in Lingue e Letterature Straniere and to language lovers who want to complete their certified skills with the added value of a course in Scientific and Literary Translation. SCUOLA SUPERIORE PER MEDIATORI LINGUISTICI DI VARESE
Duration: 60 academic hours
Introductory elements
History and theory of translation
The Translator’s job: ethical and legal aspects
Text analysis
Methodology: work stages and techniques
Publishing market analysis: the translator’s role
Translator’s resources: dictionaries, directories, internet
International standards
Literary translation
Problematical understanding
The translating as interpreting and as recreating
Language and linguistics
Literary translation from English into Italian
Writing techniques
Comparative translation
Technical-scientific translation
Sectoral languages: economic, legal, medical
Audio-visual translation
Technical and scientific translation from Italian into English
Methodology of specialized research
Assisted translation (CAT – e.g.: Trados)
Language combinations:
- English-Italian
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Type of course: Postdoc
Institution: Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici (SSML)
Contact name: Martina Roncari
Contact email: